the cigarette alternatives, ecigs can use at any occasions. It belongs to
health product, no tar included, so has no harm to health. Now many people take
it as a good way to quit smoking.
No ash, No fire
The smoke from traditional
cigarettes is produced by lighting the tobacco. The waste products from regular
cigarettes include cigarette butts and ashes. Many people find cigarette smoke
offensive and some are even allergic. Second hand smoke has also been a danger
to non smokers, as a result, many public places begin “No Smoking ban”, so that
non-smokers can escape from second hand smoke.
Because there is no actual
combustion associated with electronic cigarettes, there are no cigarette butts
and no ashes. There is also no cigarette smoke, which minimizes the danger of
second hand smoke. Many smokers take their habit outside even at home to avoid
exposing their families to second hand smoke. But with electronic cigarettes, there
is no need to do so.
No tar, no harm
Like traditional cigarettes,
nearly all electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, but the amount varies. But one
important thing is: tobacco cigarettes contain tar and other chemicals, many of
which are harmful to human health. However, electronic cigarettes contain no
tobacco, they also contain none of the tar or other chemicals found in traditional
cigarettes. We all know, tar will put people at risk of getting cancer, it’s so
bad to health, so many smokers want to quit smoking. But now, they can find a
good alternative.
In many countries, cigarettes
are subjected to heavy taxation, making the smoking habit extremely expensive. But
for e cigarette, for batteries and atomizers can use for a long time, and the
quality is pretty good, they just need to add liquid. This will save them a lot
of money, many e smokers report that they have saved a lot by making the switch
from traditional cigarettes. Well, that’s the truth.